
By default, the configuration will be in $HOME/.config/gspread_pandas on Nix systems and %APPDATA%\gspread_pandas on Windows. Under the default behavior, you must have your Google client credentials stored in google_secret.json in that directory. If you’re not using a Service Account, the user credentials will be stored in a subdirectory called creds.

App Credentials

There’s 2 main types of app credentials: OAuth client and Service Account. In order to act as your own Google user, you will need the OAuth client app credentials. With this type of credentials, each user will need to grant permissions to your app. When they grant permissions, their credentials will be stored as described below.

As a Service Account, the used credentials will be for the service account itself. This means that you’ll be using the service account’s e-mail and Google drive. Additionally, it will only be able to work withSpreadsheets that it has permissions for. Although Service Accounts can be useful for batch processes, you might generally prefer to work as your own user.

User Credentials

Once you have your client credentials, you can have multiple user credentials stored in the same machine. This can be useful when you have a shared server (for example with a Jupyter notebook server) with multiple people that may want to use the library. The user parameter to Spread must be the key identifying a user’s credentials, by default it will store the creds using default as the key. The first get_creds is called for a specific key, you will have to authenticate through a text based OAuth prompt; this makes it possible to run on a headless server through ssh or through a Jupyter notebook. After this, the credentials for that user will be stored in the creds subdirectory and the tokens will berefreshed automatically any time the tool is used.

Users will only be able to interact with Spreadsheets that they have access to.


In the backend, the library is leveraging Google’s google-auth to handle authentication. It conveniently stores everything as described above so that you don’t have to worry about boiler plate code to handle auth.

When a Client is instanciated, an AuthorizedSession is created using the credentials and this is what’s used to make requests to the API. This takes care of handling token refreshes and retries for you.

Alternate Workflows

There’s a variety of ways to change the default behavior of how/where configuration is stored.

The easiest way to change the default location is to set the GSPREAD_PANDAS_CONFIG_DIR env variable to the directory where you want to store everything. If you use this, the client creds will still need to be named google_secret.json and user creds will still be stored in the creds subdirectory.

If you have different client credentials, you could load them passing in conf_dir and/or file_name to gspread_pandas.conf.get_config. Alternatively, you could pull these from elsewhere, like a database. Once you have the config, you could then pass that to a Client or Spread instance, or you could get credentials by passing it to gspread_pandas.conf.get_creds.

When using a Service Account, the user param will be ignored in Client, Spread and get_creds. Otherwise, this param will be used to store the OAuth2 credentials for each user in the creds subdirectory. If you generate your credentials elsewhere, you can pass them in to a Client or Spread. You can also run through the flow to get OAuth2 and avoid saving them by calling get_creds directly. You can also override the creds_dir if you call this function.